DMCA: Digital Millenium Copyright Act respects the rights of copyright holders and collaborates with them to ensure that infringing content is removed from our platform. We diligently monitor all uploaded files to prevent the upload of copyrighted material.

Should you believe that a file uploaded to Mtnmusicgh infringes upon your copyright or the copyright of an individual you represent, we encourage you to utilize this page to notify us promptly.

Mtnmusicgh will promptly respond to all take-down requests that adhere to the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws.

If you suspect that a file we have uploaded to Mtnmusicgh infringes upon your copyright, kindly contact the email address provided below to submit a request. Please ensure that you include your relationship to the copyright holder, your complete contact information, and the URL of the infringing content (song, album, video, or article). Mtnmusicgh will promptly respond to your request and take appropriate action.

Email to[email protected]